开发人员:BWD CK
Garrick S5
The evolution of Garrick continues. Indeed, after producing the S1, S2, S3, and S4, the Norfolk-based brand decided to put on its th...
开发人员:BWD CK
是否有可能製造出一種新穎有趣的時間顯示方式,可在各種環境中佩戴,並在數年後依然受市場喜歡?我相信Ludovic Ballouard Upside Down應該就是答案了。機芯及其複雜功能極具創意,執行精美且非常堅固。可以看到機芯一側,最明顯的特徵是 12 個馬耳他十字機構連接到插入錶盤的小小時...
开发人员:BWD CK
Is it possible to create a new and interesting way of showing time that can be worn in a variety of environments and that the market will still lik...
开发人员:BWD CK
In the last story, we introduced the Japanese watchmaker master Hajime Asaoka, who is known as "Japan Philippe Dufour", and the first watch of his ...
开发人员:CK Hui
If anyone has defined the current trend of "must-have" limited edition watches, it must be Hajime Asaoka's watches with high cost performance. As a...